Williams Family of 3

I almost forgot to post this today!! I told you at the beginning of the week that this entire week would be chalked full of little Grayson. I didn’t lie. But I do promise this is the last post (for this week) that includes our kid! I guess my friends would expect a million photos of him given my chosen career. My next task will be deciding which one of these lovely photos are going to be blown up and framed in our house. When Scott and I normally take photos I set up the self-timer and am running back and forth trying to get a good shot. With a newborn I figured that would be a much harder thing to do, so I set up the lights and my camera and asked my friend Sam to come over and take them. She was so sweet, she was basically on call waiting for Grayson to wake up so that we could get the perfect timing. (which of course with my child didn’t work, because this time I wanted him awake and get his little happy faces but he was determined to fall asleep right away! Then once we were done, oh he was wide awake!) It’s going to be a sad, sad thing if this is what he does to me his whole life! ha!

The only reason I was worried I wouldn’t like these is because I was in them. I’m definitely better at being behind the camera. But with our son in the photo, it suddenly just doesn’t matter what I look like. The thought I had before we started was that I would be happy if we got like 2 or 3 good ones, but there was at least 20 that I love! So once again here is Grayson and his family that adores him completely.

Probably my favorite photo of me ever..Scott is so handsomeI know these two are similar, I just couldn’t resist.Oh what a difference a baby makes.. Would you believe I got absolutely no fuss from my husband to take these photos!? He’s already a softie when it comes to his son.. My favorite of Grayson with his daddy..My heart is full..

(thank you Sam for taking the time to come over and take these precious photos)

7 thoughts on “Williams Family of 3

  1. Pingback: Grayson’s Baby Announcement and Family Photography | Creating For Our Creator

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