Baby Shower Numero Tres

I.AM.SO.SAD. I have no photos from my third baby shower! In the craziness that has been my life the past three weeks I haven’t been backing up my cards like I normally do like a crazy OCD person and did not ever even put them on my computer! Then must have re-formated my card for a client shoot, and poof, now they are gone… All I have to represent my shower is this amazing invitation that Sam beautifully created. They also included the same library book insert as they did from my first shower. So again we got tons of new books to read, it’s awesome! I seriously love this invitation Sam made, it’s so perfect in so many ways..

So obviously the theme was “Cute as a Button” so they had buttons everywhere, and they had delicious cupcakes that had buttons on them, even the flower centerpieces had little buttons. It was so cute! I still can’t believe I didn’t save the pictures to my computer.

Even though that is all I have to represent the material portion of my shower I can however still talk about my church family and the support they have given me throughout everything Scott and I have been through. From day one of our first miscarriage the family we have at church has prayed for us. What am I talking about, from day one of our marriage they have prayed for us. I’ve always called the people at our bible study my prayer army. But as our church has been growing, and meeting new people, no matter what walk of life they are in, have always gathered around me and shown me love and support through it all.

This baby doesn’t yet know just how lucky he is to have had so many people praying for him since before he was even formed. I hope that one day he can truly know how blessed he is to have such a great church family surround him, just like Scott and I do.

ps. So sorry there aren’t more pretty pictures to make this post a little bit more interesting. Just know from the bottom of my heart I appreciated every effort and every person that was there.

2 thoughts on “Baby Shower Numero Tres

  1. Pingback: Jessica’s Baby Shower Invitation: Cute as a Button | Creating For Our Creator

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